An Archive of Sold Items
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Arts & Crafts Necklace


Arts & Crafts Necklace

Silver Amethyst Moonstone Peridot

W  3.00cm (1.18 in)

Origin British, c. 1910
Case Fitted Case

Arts & Crafts Necklace

The particular choice of these cabachon stones in this necklace is believed to be directly related to the Suffragette Movement. These colours were used by the most prominent suffrage group in England the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) The symbols of these colours were referred to by Mrs. Pethick-Lawrence, treasurer and co-editor of the weekly newspaper Votes for Women. Literature: Votes for Women, Spring 1908: ""Purple as everyone knows is the royal colour. It stands for the royal blood that flows in the veins of every suffragette, the instinct of freedom and dignity...white stands for purity in private and public is the colour of hope and the emblem of spring.""

Price Code

Ref No   6452
